Saturday, September 3, 2016

Data Security versus National Security: Which is more important?

Data Security means protecting data from destructive forces and unwanted actions from unauthorized users while National Security, according to Harold Brown, is the ability to preserve the nation's physical integrity and territory; to maintain its economic relations with the rest of the world on reasonable terms; to preserve its nature, institution, and governance from disruption from outside; and to control its borders. It is state or condition where our most cherished values and beliefs, democratic way of life, welfare and well-being as a nation and people are permanently protected and continuously enhanced.

Now, the question is which is more important? Is it the security of an individual's data or what we call "Privacy" or the security of the nation?

National security cannot be achieved in isolation from essential rights. In order to achieve national security while safeguarding essential rights we must do careful consideration to see whether too much freedom is being sacrificed to attain a high degree of security. One good example of this case is the U.S. Government vs. Apple where in the government wants Apple to cooperate in getting information from San Bernardino incident's shooter's phone.

There are some measures that can be taken to ensure national security include: diplomacy to rally allies and isolate threats; marshalling economic power to facilitate or compel cooperation; maintaining effective armed forces; implementing civil defense and emergency preparedness measures (including anti-terrorism legislation); ensuring the resilience and redundancy of critical infrastructure; using intelligence services to detect and defeat or avoid threats and espionage, and to protect classified information; and, using counterintelligence services or secret police to protect the nation from internal threats.

A lot of things are to be considered when choosing what's more important between Data Security and  National Security. Clearly, we benefit from both privacy and security. But at some point, one needs to be sacrificed for the betterment of everyone. Government having total control over all information is a no but giving out an essential information for a certain case wouldn't hurt that much. Privacy needs to be respected for sure, but keeping the nation safe would benefit not just a single person, but it would benefit every citizen.

To wrap it all up, security of both data and nation is important. We just have to base on the situation given to know whether giving up data security would be worth it. One thing we are sure of, striking the right balance between the two competing ideals of privacy and security will be a big challenge for governments and the technical industry for the coming years.

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